It's that time of the year again, and it comes quicker and quicker it seems.
As in years past this is the time when we reflect on all that we've accomplished, failed to do, or brushed under the rug until next time. It's a time for resolutions, and in most cases very high expectations of ourselves in the upcoming year. Whether it's to call a friend after losing touch or losing weight after gaining a few, most of these missions we embark on seem trivial to some while being monumental to others. When I think of the amount of things on my plate alone I can easily see why I can't find time to better take care of myself or tie up some of the loose ends from resolution's past. I'm about three years behind on mine but I'm hoping this year will be my lucky one.
Whatever your resolutions are I hope you attain them. May your burdens be scarce and your joys be plenty. May your houses be filled with the love of family and the laughter of friends. And may you outperform any expectations of yourself and outrage all who don't believe in you.
Happy New Year!
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