No real story here other than the fact that this crazy feline of ours has Attention Deficit Disorder. He can't sit still for 2 seconds regardless of the situation, and just watching him wears me out.
Uh-oh! I feel a tangent coming on here. Could be gas but.. No, it's definitely a tangent.
You know, come to think of it everyone must have ADD. At least that's what the medical society is trying to make you and I believe. I heard somewhere that within about 15 seconds of a person speaking to you, you're already thinking about what you are going to say to them about yourself. So none of us really listen to each other as attentively as we should anyway. And with 600 channels on your TV to choose from, verses the six I had as a child, it's no wonder someone can't stay on one program for long. Compared to 30 years ago, we now live in a world with so much visual stimulation that it's hard to keep focused on any one thing for a lengthy period of time. Combine that with the fact that we carry our ability to multi-task as a badge of honor, and you're bound to get a little distracted once in a while.
So what do we do, medicate the whole damn world? Actually I think the medical community and the pharmecutical companies have begun doing just that. I still can't believe it when I go on rescue calls and I see the amount of meds some people are on. And anti-depressants, There must be a vending machine somewhere selling this crap because everyone is on it!
I do realize that there are bona fide instances where children need intervention but my worry is that they (being our doctors and their clinics) have been too hasty in prescribing medications for some kids. We better get a handle on this situation before they start crop dusting our schools with Ritalin at recess time.
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