So much for the next four years of my life.
I'm disappointed in the recent elections, I'll admit it. But I can sit around and endlessly complain about things or I can hope that our new chosen leader will do what's right for all of us. Black, white, wealthy, or poor. In about two months it will be time for the rubber to meet the road and I can only hope that he does make change happen.
Our health care system needs serious attention and I hope that he and congress can come up with something that is palatable to all of us, not just for the poor. When it comes to your health your co-payment or deductible shouldn't stand in the way of getting the attention that you need. And it doesn't matter if you make five grand or five million a year, everyone deserves to have the best coverage possible and at an affordable price. You can charge us too much at the pump and we can walk, I can grow some of my own food when grocery prices get high, but what are my options when I'm sick and can't afford a doctor?
I truly hope he uses his brains when it comes to this war on terror. It is getting a bit drawn out, and all of us I'm sure would like to see an end to it but only if it's done in the right way. If we resort to some knee jerk reaction and pull our troops out, every individual who gave their life for this cause will have died in vain. This is something I couldn't live with and certainly not the families of these men and women. They deserve more respect than that.
And last but certainly not least, while we're talking about bravery, sacrifice, and patriotism. I would hope that our leader (who claims he loves this great country of ours and who also has never served a day in the armed forces) learns to put his hand over his heart, remove his cap, and stand for our national anthem like every true american does.