This new Blog, 3AM with Gus, was conceived to lessen some of the rants that I've been famous for writing about on my son's site over at Sam's Race Page. I would hijack it from time to time to voice my opinions and broadcast my beliefs and interests on a variety of things not always race related. To stay true to what that site was intended to be, while providing my very own conduit to the world, I bring you this.

3AM with Gus is designed to be more or less my journal of thoughts and ideas that mainly culminate in the night. You know, the time when your internal clock says it's time for a glass of water or a trip to the restroom. I, like possibly one or two other people in this world, find it nearly impossible to drift back asleep again when this moment arrives. The only drifting that occurs is in my mind and it's typically filled with thoughts of how fast my children are growing up and just how in the hell I'm ever going to plan to retire comfortably.
A lot of great ideas came from this time as well. For years I've kept a small notebook and pen in the night stand to jot down an idea or two that would surely be lost by daybreak. After all the memory isn't what it used to be and I'm convinced that it was from drinking all of that soda and beer directly from the can like a wise relative once told me. So this, combined with the fact that my handwriting stinks and I really needed to step up to the 21st century, is what brings me here today. Airing my laundry and right wing beliefs for all to see but don't hit the escape key just yet! I have been known to steer left of center from time to time.
So with that I invite you to stop in from time to time and check out what I might be babbling about. You may draw parallels to what I say and the situations I find myself in, or you may disagree with what I think. Either way I intend to either amuse you, have you see things in a different light, or inform you of something you may not have known much about. Either way I hope to get your mind going. Call it "snack time for your brain"!